A unique collection of Easy Shape Line construction gels is an elastic UV gel, also ideal for work on hot summer days. The formula Easy Shape strengthens the nails and thanks to its flexibility, is perfect for the extension of nails on stems.
Method of application
A unique collection of Easy Shape Line construction gels is an elastic UV gel, also ideal for work on hot summer days. The formula Easy Shape strengthens the nails and thanks to its flexibility, is perfect for the extension of nails on stems.
Method of application
Builder gel uv pink Construction gel of thick consistency. Does not flow. suitable for both long nails and classic salon nails. 15ml - 30ml - 50ml
Builder gel uv pink Construction gel of thick consistency. Does not flow. suitable for both long nails and classic salon nails. 15ml - 30ml - 50ml
Builder gel uv pink Construction gel of thick consistency. Does not flow. suitable for both long nails and classic salon nails. 15ml - 30ml - 50ml
Easy Shape Rosy Indigo Easy Shape Rosy is a perfect choice! This translucent gel is very thick and at the same time very soft under the brush which makes building nail very easy task. It levels itself well, making work very easy, this is why it can be recommended to beginner stylists! See more...
Easy Shape Rosy Indigo Easy Shape Rosy is a perfect choice! This translucent gel is very thick and at the same time very soft under the brush which makes building nail very easy task. It doesn't shrink under the lamp and guarantees no air pockets. It levels itself well, making work very easy, this is why it can be recommended to beginner stylists!...
Easy Shape light rose Pink construction gel covering 80%, perfect for all kinds of modeling. On solid nails or modeling on chablons.
Easy Shape Rosy Indigo Easy Shape Rosy is a perfect choice! This translucent gel is very thick and at the same time very soft under the brush which makes building nail very easy task. It levels itself well, making work very easy, this is why it can be recommended to beginner stylists! See more...
Builder gel uv White construction gel with 80% coverage, perfect for all kinds of modeling. On full nails or modeling on templates.
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